Afghanistan | Argentina | Australia | Brazil | Canada | Chile | China | Colombia | Costa Rica | Finland | France | Germany | Hungary | Japan | Netherlands | Norway | New Zealand | Peru | Uganda | United Kingdom | United States

Coming Soon: Japan, Hungary, Sweden, Mexico...

To become a WJF affiliate for your country, we only ask that you agree to hold a minimum of one gathering of jugglers (minimum of three jugglers) and hold any type of objective juggling competition such as a 5 ball endurance competition and teach a juggling workshop. Anything above and beyond that is up to you but to help us bring juggling to the Olympics, we just need documentation that juggling competitions and classes are being held in your country on an annual basis.
As a WJF Affiliate, your country, city, school or juggling club receives the following benefits
  • Alignment of your club or organization with the world’s largest sport juggling organization & the global governing body for the sport of juggling
  • Listing on the WJF website as an official WJF affiliate club with info on your organizers and club members
  • Permission to run WJF competitions in your country or city either live or through online platforms
  • Access and permission to use WJF materials to promote and run school programs designed to teach juggling and bring the sport to your country’s school systems
  • Power to nominate city level affiliates under your national brand. City affiliates are granted the same provisions by the World Juggling Federation as the country affiliate.
  • Use of the WJF graphics and promotional materials on your website and social media accounts
  • Use of the WJF graphics and promotional materials to secure training facilities and event space
  • Post production of competition footage and upload to the WJF YouTube channel
  • Email support on questions regarding skill level tests
And as a WJF Affiliate, you may choose to:
  • Recruit your country’s best sport jugglers to represent their country in international competition (WJF main events)
  • Organize WJF competitions locally and nationally either at live events or through online platforms.
  • Include WJF Affiliate status in your organization’s name such as on your website and/or social media accounts. E.G. UGANDAN JUGGLING, an affiliate of the World Juggling Federation
If you’d like to submit your country, US city, school or juggling club for affiliate consideration, please contact us using the contact form below and let us know about yourself and your goals that align with becoming a WJF Affiliate and we look forward to working with you to expand the sport of juggling world-wide.
